Natuur brings you a Certified Organic line of premium Flavoured CBD Isolate Tincture concentrates all the best components of the hemp plant combined with essential oils and natural flavours, allowing you to reap all the natural benefits from one bottle and enjoy a refreshing taste and scent. No artificial flavours or preservatives.
Great for:
- muscle aches and pains
- anxiety and depression
- inflammation
- arthritis
- focus
1000mg CBD Bottle (30ml) / 33.3mg CBD per 1mL dropper
Depending on your personal needs/dosage, use dropper to extract desired amount from bottle and place drops sublingually and hold for at least 60 seconds before swallowing.
MCT Oil (Naturally extracted from Coconut Oil), Isolate CBD Oil, a combination of essential oils and natural flavours.
Natuur ingredients are Lab-Tested, Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Cruelty Free.
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